CLNs are bond securities linked to credit risk. These are financial instruments associating the payment of coupons and the repayment of the nominal value with the risk of default of the underlying asset(s) - called a reference entity.
The value of a CLN decreases when the credit risk of the reference entity increases. Thus, the investor is exposed to a double credit risk: that of the issuer and that of the reference entity.
These securities are a combination of a classic bond - allowing the payment of coupons and repayment at maturity - and a credit option (CDS - Credit Default Swap) which deteriorates the bond's payments in the event of default.
There are three types of CLN:
CLNs are often issued by banks seeking to hedge against the credit risk of an entity on which they hold debt.
Feefty SAS - Capitale sociale 75 000 euro - SIREN 844765578 - RCS Paris - Code APE 6619B - Conseiller en Investissements Financiers - Courtier en assurance - ORIAS n°19001259 - Membre de l'ANACOFI-CIF