The coupon amount depends on the characteristics of the bond. It is expressed as a percentage of the face value and paid from the date of issue until maturity on predefined dates.
We call a coupon detachment when the coupon is paid. Between two coupon detachment dates, we speak of an accrued coupon to designate the pro rata interest. The price of a bond is therefore determined as the sum of its 'coupon foot' price - that is to say without taking into account the influence of the coupon - and the accrued coupon.
A zero-coupon bond does not detach a coupon by definition.
Feefty SAS - Capital social 75 000 euros - SIREN 844765578 - RCS Paris - Code APE 6619B - Conseiller en Investissements Financiers - Courtier en assurance - ORIAS n°19001259 - Membre de l'ANACOFI-CIF