Feefty Plus

ISIN code

The ISIN code corresponds to the identification code of a security.

The ISIN code - International Securities Identification Numbers - is the identification code of a security. It is made up of 12 characters, the first 2 letters of which correspond to the country of issue (like FR for France). The next 10 characters are numbers or letters that constitute the title identifier.

The ISIN code is an international standard, it is mandatory for placing an order. For securities issued in France, it is assigned by the French Codification Agency, under the responsibility of Euroclear France.

Feefty SAS - Capital social 75 000 euros - SIREN 844765578 - RCS Paris - Code APE 6619B - Conseiller en Investissements Financiers - Courtier en assurance - ORIAS n°19001259 orias.fr - Membre de l'ANACOFI-CIF