Feefty Plus

Legal Notice

Feefty S.A.S. with a capital of 75 000€ - 844 765 578 RCS PARIS - APE 6619B - 11 cours Valmy – Tour Pacific, 92800 Puteaux, France.
Registered at the ORIAS (www.orias.fr) under the n°19001259 as Insurance Broker (supervisory authority : www.acpr.banque-france.fr), Financial Investment Advisor member of the Anacofi-CIF, association approved by the Financial Markets Authority (www.amf-france.org). Insurer and guarantor : Starstone Insurance SE, N° Professional Civil Liability MRCSFGP201901FRS0000000021269A00.

Complaints processing

A complaint is a "statement of dissatisfaction by a client with a professional". The MiFID 2 Directive refers to a "complaint". Feefty is committed to:

  • provide clear and transparent information on the procedures for handling complaints, as well as easy and free access to the complaints handling system,
  • handle complaints quickly, efficiently, equally, harmoniously and free of charge,
  • to integrate the implementation of any corrective actions based on the dysfunctions identified in the handling of complaints. In the event of a dispute or complaint by the customer, the contracting parties undertake to seek an amicable settlement first. The customer will be able to present his complaint to the address of the company which will have 10 days to acknowledge receipt, then 2 months as from the reception of the complaint to answer it. In the absence of amicable arrangement, the parts will be able in second place to inform:
    I - Competent Mediator disputes with a company: Mediator of the Anacofi, 92 street of Amsterdam 75009 Paris.
    II - Competent mediators for disputes with a consumer: for the CIF activity (public mediator): The mediator of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, Mrs Marielle COHEN-BRANCHE, 17 place de la Bourse 75082 Paris Cedex 02.
    For insurance activities: La Médiation de l'Assurance, TSA 50110 75441 Paris Cedex 09. In case of failure, the dispute may be brought before the competent courts.

Conflict of Interest Management Policy

1. Principles and definitions

In view of the various activities carried out by Feefty concerning structured products for professional clients: Financial Investment Advisory (non-independent), Insurance Brokerage as well as Banking and Payment Services, it is likely to be confronted with situations of conflicts of interest. In order to ensure the protection and primacy of its clients' interests, Feefty has established:

  • A policy for the identification, prevention and management of conflicts of interest ;
  • A mapping of potential (theoretical) and actual conflicts of interests ;
  • A register listing all identified conflicts of interest as well as the management measures taken by Feefty to remedy them. Conflict of interest = Harmful conflict between the interests of the company and those of its clients or between the interests of several clients of the company. Feefty has developed a conflict of interest management policy based on three main areas: prevention, detection and management.

2. Feefty's Conflict of Interest Management Policy Memento

2.1 Prevention of conflicts of interests Feefty's conflict of interest prevention and management system, developed in accordance with the relevant regulations, consists of organizational measures as well as procedures for processing and controlling transactions:

  • Prevent conflicts of interests ;
  • Establish and maintain an appropriate conflict of interest management policy in an operational manner ;
  • Detect situations that give rise or are likely to give rise to conflicts of interests ;
  • Maintain and update a map and a register of activities where conflicts of interest have occurred or are likely to occur ;
  • Inform clients when, for a particular transaction, the measures implemented are not sufficient to reasonably ensure that the risk of harm to the client's interests will be avoided ;
  • To respect the integrity of the markets.

2.2 Detection of conflicts of interests Feefty has implemented a control system to ensure compliance with procedures to prevent conflicts of interest and to detect conflicts of interest that may arise despite preventive measures in order to resolve them in a fair manner.

2.3 Managing Cconflicts of interests In the event that, despite the precautions taken, conflicts of interest that may affect the interests of clients cannot be avoided, Feefty's procedures provide that measures appropriate to each situation must be sought and implemented while respecting the principle of primacy of the client's interest and the principle of respecting the integrity of the market. A complete review of the system and of potential conflicts of interest is carried out and formalized at least annually by the compliance officer. For any further information regarding this policy, please contact Feefty by mail or via an email to the following address: [email protected].

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

In accordance with the European Union regulation n°2016/679 called General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), the information collected on this form are registered in a database used by the Company's managers to provide advice and are treated in the most confidential manner, in accordance with the requirements of the French law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms ("loi Informatique et Libertés").
They are kept for 5 years from the end of the professional relationship, unless otherwise stipulated by law or regulation, and are intended for Feefty and its partners.
In accordance with the "Data Protection Act", you can exercise your right to access and rectify your personal data by contacting your Consultant or by sending an email to the following address: [email protected] .
You can also file a complaint about the processing of your data with the CNIL.


The user's attention is drawn to the fact that the use of the Website may lead to the implantation of a "cookie" in his/her computer, likely to lead to the memorization of certain parameters, and the recording of information in order to facilitate navigation on the Website.
This information is stored on the user's computer and/or by the Company for a period of one year. However, the deactivation of "cookies" will have the effect of reducing the personalization of services and products that may be offered by third parties to users through the Website.
The user acknowledges that he/she has been informed of the possibility to oppose the recording of "cookies".


For every investment Feefty receives a fixed fee of 0.50% of the amount invested

Generic warning

Feefty informs you that the information, market points, releases and other information provided on its website are believed to be reliable but may contain inaccuracies or errors.
Concerning the data related to financial information, we draw your attention to the fact that past performance is not a guarantee of future performance, and that the value of an investment may vary up or down depending on the evolution of the markets, the exchange rates, as well as the direct or indirect income attached to it.
This information does not constitute an incitement to sell, an offer to buy, to subscribe, or a personalized advice to the user. They reflect an opinion only and do not represent a recommendation from the author or Feefty. Feefty cannot be held responsible for any of the information provided. We remind you that for any investment, dit is recommended that you contact your usual advisor in order to assess the suitability of the investment for your personal situation.

Site host

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Feefty SAS - Capital social 75 000 euros - SIREN 844765578 - RCS Paris - Code APE 6619B - Conseiller en Investissements Financiers - Courtier en assurance - ORIAS n°19001259 orias.fr - Membre de l'ANACOFI-CIF