Feefty Plus
Split Note Autocall
A partial repayment guaranteed then a capitalized coupon upon automatic early redemption
On the first observation, the investor receives a guaranteed coupon and a partial repayment of the principal invested. Every coupon not detached is added in memory and can be perceived on a future observation date. On subsequent observations, the investor receives a capitalized coupon (memory) if the underlying is above the redemption level. The automatic early redemption mechanism is then activated and the product stops. The capital is protected up to the protection level (activation depends on the type of protection).
Duo Mix Note (30%/3% | 70%/2.8%)XS2286850206Euro Stoxx 50EURBNP Paribas
Duo Mix Athéna Mars 2021 (70%/2.1% | 30%/1.8%)FR0014001QF7Euro ÉvolutionEURSociété Générale (SG Issuer)
Duo Mix International Sélection Mai 2022(70%/2.10% | 30%/1.5%)FR0014008H96LFDE International SelectionEURSociété Générale (SG Issuer)
Duo Mix International Sélection Juillet 2022 (70%/2.10% | 30%/1.5%)FR0014009UN6LFDE International SelectionEURSociété Générale (SG Issuer)
Duo Mix Micron Technology / SG (50%/2.25% | 50%/4%)CH1271355898Micron Technology Inc, Société GénéraleEURLeonteq Securities AG, Guernsey branch

Feefty SAS - Capital social 75 000 euros - SIREN 844765578 - RCS Paris - Code APE 6619B - Conseiller en Investissements Financiers - Courtier en assurance - ORIAS n°19001259 orias.fr - Membre de l'ANACOFI-CIF