Feefty Plus
Principal Protected Note Participation Issuer Callable
Benefit from the upside with a principal protected note
The investor receives a coupon on an observation upon early redemption by the issuer, then the product stops. Every coupon not detached is added in memory and can be perceived on a future observation date. At maturity, the investor receives the positive performance of the underlying (multiplied by the leverage). Capital is guaranteed at maturity (except in the event of issuer default).
Duo Perf Juillet 2023FR001400GS48Euro Stoxx 50EURGoldman Sachs Finance Corp International (GSFCI)8/4/2028
Eurostoxx KG +FR001400HEB4Euro Stoxx 50EURGoldman Sachs Finance Corp International (GSFCI)7/28/2028
Duo Perf Mars 2024FR1459AB1678CAC 40EURGoldman Sachs Finance Corp International (GSFCI)4/6/2029
Best Of Inflation CallableFR2CIBFS4179Eurostat Eurozone HICP Ex Tobacco Unrevised Series NSAEURCrédit Agricole3/4/2032
Performance Banks Callable Février 2024FRSG00014IF3Euro Stoxx BanksEURSociété Générale (SG Issuer)3/4/2030
Conservateur Opportunité Actions Énergie 2XS1308288767Stoxx Europe 600 Oil & GasEURGoldman Sachs Finance Corp International (GSFCI)8/12/2025
Conservateur Opportunité Actions ÉnergieXS1308290748Stoxx Europe 600 Oil & GasEURGoldman Sachs Finance Corp International (GSFCI)6/3/2025
Performance Indice Bancaire Juin 2024FRSG00014RQ1Euro Stoxx BanksEURSociété Générale (SG Issuer)7/5/2029

Feefty SAS - Capital social 75 000 euros - SIREN 844765578 - RCS Paris - Code APE 6619B - Conseiller en Investissements Financiers - Courtier en assurance - ORIAS n°19001259 orias.fr - Membre de l'ANACOFI-CIF